Dear reader, this article is the content of emails I sent to Newsroom journalists including the editors in respect to the elephant in the room, namely died and injured suddenly.
In my opinion and reasonably argued herein, Newsroom and the rest of the legacy or mainstream media are complicit in the crime; kill and injure New Zealanders through lethal injection of a novel, toxic mutagenic concoction with no precedent and inflict this as an all of Government Response or countermeasure on the population is to use the term implemented with extreme prejudice.
Following is the email address line and text (I've swapped email addresses for their names and might have fixed a couple of errors in text; spelling:);
To: Jonathan Milne
cc: Newsroom Briefing <>, Mark Jennings, Tim Murphy
Dear Jonathan Milne,
Re your article today about stressed health and medical staff and the shortage of these to cover NZ's real need;
How a big green tractor helped win over a young doctor to rural practice
After two years of Covid, health workers are exhausted, burnt out, and struggling with their mental health. The employers successfully turning the tide aren’t doing it with lucrative remuneration packages.
Your article fails to account in respect to the major cause of the problem, the Response by Government and various public institutions to the pandemic rather than the actual lethality and morbidity of the SARS-CoV-2 entity.
The entity was likely a release of a product of US led gain of function research also known as dual purpose research into Bat Coronaviruses which arise from Horseshoe bats found in caves remote by over a thousand kilometers from Wuhan which coincidentally has a few biolabs including the level 4 biosecurity laboratory which was doing research with the multitude of specimens they had collected from the previously mentioned caves.
The SARS2 bioweapon was then assaulted with a further bioweapon known as COVID-19 Vaccines. The only problem being the SARS2 entity only has ingress to the human being via their mucosal system; mouth, nose and eyes. The mRNA/LNP product (highly inconsistent and contaminated with chopped up DNA from the manufacturing process) enters the vascular system and infects cells transfecting mRNA to mobilise the cells to produce S-spike proteins modelled, modified and synthesized based on the original strain of the SARS-2 entity.
Why Covid-19 vaccines are a freaking miracle by Helen Branswell Feb. 14, 2022
“The previous fastest vaccine ever developed … would just be entering into the clinic now. And we’ve delivered 11 billion doses. That’s how much we’ve moved the needle.”
Some of it was luck. Scientists had been toiling for over a decade trying to figure out the right construct for coronavirus vaccines, work that was spurred by the 2003 SARS-1 epidemic and outbreaks from 2012 onward caused by a cousin virus, MERS, that jumps sporadically from camels to people on the Arabian Peninsula. It was clear coronaviruses, which originate in bats, were promiscuous enough that the world needed to be ready for more such incursions.
“For whatever reason, we had just the right information and had just the right partnerships and all the right things in place to do something for a coronavirus,” said Barney Graham, who with his team at the NIAID’s Vaccine Research Center and Jason McLellan of the University of Texas at Austin, designed the spike protein target that a number of vaccine manufacturers used to make their Covid vaccines.
The coronavirus vaccine research gave the world a head start when SARS-2 reared its head. “When the sequence was published, we knew how to modify it immediately because of what we’ve done a dozen times on other coronaviruses,” he said. Had the pandemic been triggered by a virus belonging to a less well-studied family, the world might still be waiting for vaccines.
“For some of the other virus families the design of the antigen is not as generalizable as we have found it for coronavirus,” said Graham, who retired from the Vaccine Research Center last August.
A lot of the pandemic preparedness funding went into developing different ways to make vaccines, methods that are less cumbersome or time-consuming, say, than the approach used to make influenza vaccines, which involves growing viruses in eggs. For Rick Bright, it came down to a simple mantra: “More, better, faster.”
Bright was the head of BARDA at the outset of the pandemic. At the time, the agency was providing funding to Cambridge, Mass.-based Moderna, whose messenger RNA approach was promising but had never been used in a licensed vaccine. In early 2020, Bright thought a Covid mRNA vaccine was a long shot, and that a more established platform — the viral-vectored vaccine being developed by Johnson & Johnson — was a more likely bet.
“I thought that would be our first vaccine. And the mRNA, if it worked, would be great, but I had my doubts because it had never scaled,” he said, referring to the fact that it’s one thing to design a vaccine and another entirely to learn, on the fly, how to produce it at commercial scale. “It was truly a Hail Mary pass with mRNA.”
“I would have to say at the outset I would not have thought we’d be here by now, given the technology,” admitted Bright, who left the federal government early in the pandemic in a dispute with the Trump administration. He now heads the Pandemic Prevention Institute at the Rockefeller Foundation.
Here's Rick Bright, Anthony Fauci and friends at the Milken Institute Health Security conference just before the pandemic broke speaking about a universal influenza vaccine based on the innovative mRNA platform..
Also Fauci is on record at Georgetown University in January 2017 before Trump is inaugurated as President, predicting there will be a surprise outbreak in the term of the next President. How did he know?
So NZ eliminated the SARS2 entity from March 2020 on the basis that the Hail Mary pass with mRNA would pay off.. NZ MoH said so in April 2020; COVID-19 Health and Disability System Response Plan Published online: 15 April 2020
Not everyone saw the Hail Mary silver bullet solution as being good for them and refused.
By August 2021 only about 25% of kiwis had accepted the final solution.
This was not enough for the rulers so the earlier promise that none will be forced to take the shot was broken without much regret by the one who must be obeyed. What psychopathy, given by August 2021, NZ's Government had all the data to confirm that they were inflicting a statistical tidal wave of death and injury upon the NZ team of 5 million and in particular the 4 million who have had at least two shots and the reducing millions who have taken the other 5 million shots to add up to 13 million mostly Pfizer Comirnaty products including bivalent boosters shot into the arms of Kiwis.
Of course many nurses and medical professionals and care or general staff of the health industry disdained the notion of taking the Pfizer toxic and mutagenic product. It was the illegitimate, unethical and unlawful vaccine mandates that forced that proportion of the population to take one for the team to get the tally up to about 80% of the total and near 90% of the so called eligible population for the jab.
It's scary to think that the obvious cause of all the disquiet and division is the approach to the pandemic by the previous Labour Government cheer-led by the legacy and or mainstream media propaganda machine and with the institutional backing of all eight universities and all the polytechs, and most employers who forced the papers please vaccine passport system on the people to force more folk to get the shot for the 2021/2022 summer that was cancelled by decree for fear of the virus despite all that vaccination.
Says heaps for 'vaccine' effectiveness..?
The only folk who had a festival that Summer were those who participated in the Freedom Village festival on the lawns and surrounds of the Parliament precinct during February 2022.
It's the Labour Government with Newsroom as complicit partners who have caused or contributed to the labour/staff shortages in the health system.
Own it. I know it. You know it, and you know I know, just as the Government knows I know.
Your war on "we the people" will soon be exposed properly to the mass of people.
Then there will be a process some call Justice that must be served to ensure future journalists are independent and critical rather than partisan and stupidly mendacious and criminal.
That Justice process must, if it is true to its principles, find guilty and sentence to confinement for extended periods, many participants in the plot to inject a bioweapon into the blood systems of the mass of New Zealanders.
I wrote to the New Zealand Police in October 2021 with a report of homicide by lethal injection which is included in the evidence to the Parliamentary Petitions Committee, in respect to my petition proposal to fix the Bill of Rights. It highlights the criminal charges I suggest the NZ legacy media ought to be charged with; one extract from the report to NZ Police with [paragraph numbers];
[48] Lynda Wharton makes the point that there is minimal public reporting of vaccine
adverse reaction or death, rather lots of official denial of the tragedy that people risk as
they are coerced to accept the toxic Russian Roulette kill or maim shot. Paragraph [17]
references a Newsroom article by journalist Marc Daalder; “Medsafe’s vaccine safety
reports misused by anti-vaxxers” which appears to be advocating the removal of
Vaccination adverse event reporting from the Medsafe website, which hints at a further
denial of information necessary to properly and fully inform the public.
[49] My testimony and that of many others is that the mantra that the “vaccine is safe and
effective” is not a factual representation of the Pfizer Comirnaty mRNA injection product.Where an authority misrepresents information and actively denies important data such as
the true level of adverse events and deaths from Vaccination, the public are being
deceived. Section 240 of the Crimes Act; “Obtaining by deception or causing loss by
deception” might apply particularly where it states;
(2) In this section, deception means—(a) a false representation, whether oral, documentary, or by conduct, where theperson making the representation intends to deceive any other person and—(I) knows that it is false in a material particular; or(ii) is reckless as to whether it is false in a material particular; or(b) an omission to disclose a material particular, with intent to deceive any person,in circumstances where there is a duty to disclose it; or(c) a fraudulent device, trick, or stratagem used with intent to deceive any person.
[50] Given the deception by the Government and its allies appears to be to sell a particular
commercial product, it is reprehensible to falsely advertise its merits.
[51] I assert people with just a headache or similar localised discomfort in association with
being Vaccinated are likely to have suffered damage to their tissues in those regions of
their body. Damage may not present as an injury until much later in one's life. Science is still
researching the long term effects of injecting people with mRNA gene therapy products.
What are your thoughts in response?
Greg Rzesniowiecki
I got an automatic response from Jonathan Milne as follows;
Hello, I’m off work until Monday, January 22, and don’t intend to be checking emails. Please direct Newsroom Pro editorial queries to Cassandra Mason up until Jan 7, then Andrew Bevin through to Jan 21. Urgent inquiries to the duty editor at
Jonathan Milne (he/him)
Managing Editor
Newsroom Pro
So I added the following in the forward email to the holiday staff;
Hi Cassandra and Andrew,
For your information given Jonathan Milne's holiday ghost is writing stories.. full of whimsy and disinformation
cheers Greg
From Andrew
I’m away until January 8.
Thanks, Andrew Bevin
I'll add any considered response from Newsroom to this post in the event it is forthcoming
Btw I'm not holding my breath.
P.S. I might have been blocked on one of their email addresses