Thursday 22 December 2016

Working on an open, egalitarian and abundant 2017 with a mind to history's lessons - you too?

Seasons Greetings folks,
A general shout out to everyone... :-)
I'm very glad to have played a part in our large discussion and movement for an egalitarian state.
So rest and allow the lessons of 2016 play over, distill and think big.
Christmas reflections
I know our values are shared by many - how to engage all in a visionary project is key to 2017?
The following link is to a brief essay on publicly held values in NZ I wrote in November, drawing the Flag referendum 'Stand For Values' together with the Colmar Brunton published, 'Better Futures Report' (November 2016) highlighting that values matter to New Zealanders:
Do we find ourselves referencing the public as sheeple and uninformed? The truth is that most people are benign and like to think of themselves as ethical.
However we might find we denigrate the values of the other – the point from the above link is most hold good values and would prefer to be in a place where they might be systemically enabled to express themselves ethically.
Government – purpose and performance
I hold that view and are working to share the idea we would prefer a systemically ethical governance structure. One in which the rule of law is based in human and planetary beneficial outcomes. The UN system is undermined by systemic corruption as the Exceptionalism of the Veto enables the most powerful to avoid consequence for their actions. The US use this as they have launched the following list of 60 or so wars and interventions in state's business in the years since World War 2.
We in Aotearoa New Zealand can remain locked in the constraints imposed by being a lackey and part of the UK/US Empire or we can burst the bonds. The world turns in the most recent events in Syria, Trump, Brexit, Cuba, the order is moving and we must ensure that our values are front and central in the mix of ideas competing for ascendancy.
We need to think big in order to create, mobilise and change in a big way.
It requires big actions with profound effects which are widely appreciated - so networks and media.
What are we up against? What approach do we adopt?
Greg's approach for what it's worth
I've been very involved in presenting evidence to the NZ Government at both a local level and direct to Central Government, as well as work publicly as an activist in the democracy. I acknowledge that there's a lot of people doing similar work. I promote my activities as public advocacy so I desire that people appreciate what tasks and efforts I have contributed.
There's a kicker as I desire ongoing sustenance from your largesse :) see over in there >>>
Local government lobbies
Along with a cast of thousands we managed to get 12 major local councils to adopt a policy solution to the toxic TPP treaty. The policy was written by a Wellingtonian, transmitted through the Labour party, picked up and inserted into Auckland Council policy on TPP in December 2012, then disseminated to the other councils from 2013 to 2015 when South Wairarapa District Council became the twelfth. My role was analogous to a carrier pigeon with a loud mouth and a lot of original paperwork inserted into council administrations, plus presentations to council forums:
Central Government lobbies
On the TPP treaty examination process the following are links to NZ Parliamentary recording of my oral evidence or presentation uploaded to Soundcloud.
(The dropbox links to relevant papers are in the explanation on the page. The oral recordings might be of limited value as the recording quality varies and in one I take a bit to get wound up)
Globalist approach to legislation in various jurisdictions
As well as the globalist approach to trade treaty negotiations and content, the powers are using similar approaches in different jurisdictions using various ploys and false flag events. In Washington, (which is what initiated this essay) is the introduction of legislation which similar to our maritime crimes amendment bill, will criminalise civil disobedience:
Sen. Doug Ericksen, R-Ferndale, has introduced his Preventing Economic Disruption Act (PEDA) for consideration during the 2017 legislative session.
The measure targets illegal activities that aim to create economic harm by impeding legally permitted economic activities. It allows prosecuting attorneys to file special charges that increase penalties for misdemeanors and felonies.
New Zealand experience – fascism is catchy
In NZ the Government is up to it - constantly pursuing similar policy and legislative programs out of the fascist/globalist playbook. I have engaged with the following list offering evidence to the Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade (FADT) select committee:
Countering Foreign Terrorist Fighters Legislation Bill 2014. I offered oral and paper evidence to that:
Maritime Crimes Amendment Bill 2016 also paper and oral presentation:
Proposed spy legislation Intelligence and Security Bill 2016, off the back of a review by eminent persons... one ex NZ Treasurer Michael Cullen and the other, the present Governor General Dame Patsy Reddy:
The point in all of this is to advance an evidence trail that can be referenced in any legislative attacks we later make in respect to due process or failure to account for the public interest or even the plain facts of denial of human rights and state hypocrisy.
The point in my papers is that there are many connections; trade, economy, globalism, monopoly, hegemony, intelligence and security state, environmental destruction, unbalanced application of law, loss of democracy and overriding of genuine and informed public opinion - which has led us to our present poverty plus the unhealthy and unsustainable mess that is NZ and global ecological wellbeing.

If the government and big or transnational business interests are linked and mutually supportive where is the advocate for people and planet and their long term sustenance?

We need to acknowledge that whilst we twerk for Empire we deny the ability to love ourselves as we ought.
The values offered by the people in the “Stand For" process were their values that underpin what it is to be part of Aotearoa New Zealand. These values are our values and were offered in a binding Constitutional process!

They ought be the underpinnings of our public and national interest - So our constitution.

The words with the most public support in their Stand For offerings are represented in largest font; 
Equality, History, Freedom appear to be hands down winners.
Working on an open, egalitarian and abundant 2017 with a mind to history's lessons - you too?
Best for the season from greg

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