Wednesday, 11 September 2019

NZ Academy - 9/11, Militarism, Climate - will you promote truth or lies?

This open letter/essay was forwarded to NZ academics on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 crime. 

It reports on the draft findings from Professor Leroy Hulsey and associates' Alaska Fairbanks University WTC7 evaluation study. WTC7 was part of the World Trade Center complex demolished in spectacular fashion 11 September 2001.

The secondary conclusion of their study is that "the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building."

Implication is that an hitherto unknown agency was employed to demolish the buildings removing all the core columns. One can speculate about what that was. When one watches video of the WTC7 demolition captured at the moment of the free-fall collapse and compares that with a controlled demolition of other similar buildings one could reach no other conclusion than “the building's demise was as a result of planned demolition by whatever method.”

Demolition charges used at WTC 7 undermine the US Government narrative in respect the 9/11 attack. That in turn creates doubt in respect to the pretext for the war on terror, its merit and its justification under rule of law.

I urged our scientific leaders to take the time to consider the contents of the paper and act to ensure the world is moved toward a just and sustainable tomorrow. The paper asks how NZ can support militarism and seek cooperation for climate action as these appear to be opposed or contrary objectives.

A followup media release was distributed to NZ news media organisations and is included at the end of this blog post (edit 6:20pm Thursday 12 September).

On behalf of 9/11 researchers and NZ 9/11, I've taken the opportunity to take an installation to the NZ Parliament to mark the 9/11 anniversary and featuring the WTC7 study findings.

NZ Academy - 9/11, Militarism, Climate - will you promote truth or lies?

From: Greg Rzesniowiecki, public advocate

Dear Member of the NZ Academy,

This is an open letter/essay to NZ academics who work in the science, politics and communications/media faculties particularly those in environmental science (climate related), engineering and physical sciences, international affairs and journalism.
Please note that the World Trade Center building 7 (WTC7) evaluation study has released its draft findings.
Also note that there is little reporting of this important fact in any mainstream media news or journal.
9/11 was the launchpad for the global war on terror (GWoT).

WTC7 evaluation
Professor Leroy Hulsey and associates from Alaska Fairbanks University were contracted to undertake a study, WTC7 evaluation. The World Trade Center (WTC) in New York was demolished as a result of the 9/11 crime which occurred 11 September 2001. WTC7 (World Trade Center building 7) was demolished at 5:20pm in the afternoon many hours after the remainder of the WTC towers and plaza were catastrophically levelled. WTC7 was not struck by a plane nor was any official explanation proffered for its demise until several years later.
The WTC7 evaluation draft findings were published Tuesday 3 September 2019: Summary of the study findings are twofold;
The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.
The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
Whilst the findings might be considered controversial in some official circles of expertise insulated from common sense, a disinterested observer can quickly ascertain the facts of the matter through the use of their ocular sense, and applied logic - following videos are of WTC7's demolition and its comparison to a technique known as controlled demolition:

Our Shared Planetary Reality
My thesis is that;
there is no global solution to the climate change challenge to be found or brokered whilst the world is in a state of military tension or engaged in endless hostilities (global war on terror or similar).”
To obtain the necessary changes in behaviour; international, national, society, community and individual the planet needs an improved attitude from its opinion leaders and power brokers. To move in the required direction the world needs encouragement through messages, stories and narratives which foster cooperation as opposed to competition and winner take all notions of success, we need peaceful conditions not more tension, aggression and war. Messages promoting hopelessness as the only sane reality whilst covertly missing the militarism element do not encourage the ambitious undertakings necessary to move the world in the correct direction.
In support of my thesis I assert;
it is necessary for the New Zealand state to do all that is within its power to obtain the requisite cooperation so that its efforts including through the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill are not wasted.”
New Zealand's government and academic experts proselytise the nation's inhabitants to alter their behaviour to meet arbitrary greenhouse gas emission targets. However, the Government and the academy hasn't done the hard yards on the international stage nor altered their behaviour and relations with other nations and institutions who do not share NZ's stated values and commitment to increase global sustainability.
The trend is toward 4 degree C increase in average global temperature by the conclusion of this century unless appropriate mitigation is implemented moving the planet's energy system away from fossil fuels, and restoration of permanent forest cover to ensure a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Drastic times and intractable problems require drastic action for redemption. What to do?
Is it preferable to do a token or half hearted effort and fail, or go for gold?

Learn from history?
The art of the historian is to assemble stories about events and the personalities that contributed to these. Historians invariably ask a question; “how did this come from that?”
The industrial revolution is the story of innovation, mechanisation, automation and carbon based fuels; coal, oil and natural gas. The modern global civilisation is enabled through energy and feedstock for many consumer and industrial products from the oil/energy industry. Combined oil, coal and gas account for 80% of global energy consumption and will for the foreseeable future. The most ambitious see these contribute over 60% of global energy needs at 2040. Realists see the fossil fuel share staying above 70% to 2040.
We are two decades into the third millennium.
At the dawn of this new epoch a seminal event occurred that we all know as 9/11. Historians know that 11 September has featured prior, the coup against Chilean President Salvador Allende just one example, and most likely will again. Through the lens of history one can discover patterns of behaviour and events.
Each event in history has a story which arises from the competing narratives offered to define the event or massage its perception for particular or mass audiences.

9/11 history's choke point at the new millennium
New York certainly chocked on the dust from the pulverised concrete, steel, office equipment and linings - 110 stories in each WTC tower, 47 in WTC7 and between 8 and 22 in the rest of the complex buildings severly damaged, destroyed or partly on that fate filled day.
The 9/11 event narrative was sold to the world as an act of terrorism by 19 mostly Saudi Arabian terrorists who (allegedly) boarded 4 planes, hijacked them and struck key assets in the US, notably the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington DC.
That terrorist narrative promoted by the US authorities was solidified in quick time and without a forensic investigation into the crime scenes, at New York, Washington DC or Pennsylvania. Within a month the US declared war on the nation of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan was invaded following a shock and awe bombing campaign commencing 7 October 2001. Iraq had been in the US's sights since the 1990 Kuwait invasion. 9/11 provided the pretext and it too was subjected to similar shock and awe against the metropolis of Baghdad and invasion from 19 March 2003.
The Global War on Terror was launched off the back of the 9/11 event. Terrorism continues to be the motivating factor to justify outrageous military budgets at everyone's expense.

What about the 9/11 criminal investigation?
Many people; including relatives of the 9/11 crime victims, first responders, independent observers, experts in intelligence, security, demolition and munitions, and a few journalists raised questions about the 9/11 narrative promoted by the US Government. They sought and made calls for an independent and full investigation of the attack.
The US Government and President George W Bush administration resisted those calls for an investigation until 2002, when they commissioned an inquiry subsequently known as the 9/11 Commission which completed its investigation and released it findings in 2004. It ought be noted that the Commissioners acknowledged publicly that they were lied to by US authorities. President Bush and Vice President Cheney provided their story to the 9/11 Commission in very restricted form whereby Bush and Cheney agreed to meet privately with the chair and vice chair, but, not to meet with all members, according to the chairman, Thomas H. Kean.

It is also noteworthy that despite the 9/11 Commission findings in respect to the alleged hijackers, many lived past 11 September 2001, which precludes them being on the alleged hijacked planes, despite what the 9/11 Commissioners were told by US authorities in their testimony.

What about the 9/11 forensic examination for clues as to what was causal?
Within days of the 9/11 attack, contracts were entered into with demolition companies for the clean up of the World Trade Center site. The clean up proceeded without a formal forensic examination of the physical evidence.
The destroyed World Trade Center site became known as “Ground Zero.” The workers involved in the clean up were Ground Zero workers and they completed the cleanup of a million tonnes of debris in about 6 months, despite the adverse environment. They faced enormous obstacles including persistent hotspots that fumed and gassed-off until December 2001 despite the Ground Zero clean up management applying enormous volumes of liquid suppressant to assist the cooling of the subterranean hotspots.
The subterranean hotspots are an anomaly along with many incongruent facts, that ought to have received forensic examination (investigate every potential lead) where the official narrative is that “the demolition was effected merely through a gravity driven collapse.”
No amount of gravity on Earth will induce temperatures of 1000 degrees Celsius to persist for months after the event!
It is not my intent to identify all the anomalies in the official narrative. My purpose is to provide an insight into the nature of the controversy in order to introduce the issue of the building known as World Trade Center 7 or the Salomon Bros building constructed and completed after the twin towers known as WTC 1 and WTC 2 were completed in 1972 and 1973 respectively.
WTC 7 was completed 1986, was built over an electrical substation, and employed similar design features in its structure as the twin towers; that is a strong core and multiple outer columns to facilitate a large area of clear space on each floor between the core and outer columns. Floor trusses and pans were suspended between the inner and outer columns and concrete slabs were poured over the pans. 47 floors in WTC 7, a large building in most cities, dwarfed by the twin towers who were 110 floors each and 64 x 64 metres square.
Most people are familiar with the 9/11 narrative or story of the two planes American Airlines flight 11 and United Airlines flight 175 striking WTC 1 and 2 at 8:47am and 9:03am respectively and the spectacular destruction of WTC2 at 9:59am, 56 minutes after the initial strike; and WTC1 at 10:29am, 1 hour and 42 minutes after it was struck by the plane.
The 9/11 event had additional attacks (which this paper doesn't address in detail);
Against the US Defense Force headquarters Washington DC where the Pentagon building's West Wing was struck by a plane which the 9/11 narrative said was American Airlines flight 77, and;
At a rural location in Pennsylvania where United Airlines Flight 93 came to ground.
However UAL 93 came to ground in many pieces separated by kilometres as though it was destroyed in mid air and the respective parts coming to earth across a vast field. The fact of the wide debris field including across Indian Lake's lake informs the discerning public that the US Government narrative on this part of the 9/11 crime was false.

What happens to the official conspiracy narrative where intrinsic elements of the whole story are proved false? Where does the lie stop and truth enter the frame?
It is important to note at the time of the respective collapses the WTC towers had survived the initial shock of the plane strikes and the resultant combustion of the surplus plane fuel.
The only fires remaining were the result of the combustion of materials in the WTC offices. Never have office fires caused a steel framed building to collapse.
The catalyst for the sudden onset of WTC 1, 2 and 7's collapse remained a mystery without positing some additional agency.
WTC 7 suffered some fires at or below its 13th floor. The building survived these for many hours and the fires were effectively extinguished by the onset of that late afternoon. At 5:20pm WTC 7 was demolished in spectacular fashion. It lost all structural support in its lower floors and descended to ground including a 2.5 second portion of its descent at free fall velocity. Free fall velocity can only be attained where there's no resistance to falling.
A building's structure is a lot of resistance in a non magical world. For WTC7 to descend at free fall it requires that; “all support columns in the steel structure must fail prior to the onset of collapse.” which is a peculiar observation for a large building structure that the official narrative asserts suffered damage by fire only.
Additionally the observed collapse or demolition was symmetrical in its effect whereas the fires would have had an asymmetrical effect on the building's structure.
The problem of WTC7 gained serious traction with critically minded architects and engineers who sponsored a study to assess the nature and likely cause of the building's demolition. The result was that Professor Leroy Hulsey and associates from Alaska Fairbanks University were contracted to undertake the WTC7 evaluation study. The draft findings of that study were published Tuesday 3 September 2019: Summary of the study findings are twofold;
The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.
The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
The full report is a pdf file at this link:
Professor Hulsey features in a video presenting the WTC7 evaluation findings Tuesday evening 3 September at Alaska Fairbanks University. The video is available here:
and via it's embed code here:
For those in the academy who wish to provide comment, critique or otherwise engage with the study the following information is important;
The research team is currently organizing and uploading all of its data into a format that can be readily downloaded and used. We expect to post the data sometime between September 16 and September 30, 2019.
There will be a two-month public comment period from September 3 to November 1, 2019, with the final report will be released later this year. During this period, we welcome any and all members of the public to submit constructive comments intended to further the analyses and presentation of findings contained in the report. Designated reviewers external to UAF and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth will also review the report during this period. Commenters are asked to send their comments in an attached PDF or Word document to
New Zealand's academic professionals including those who have already made prior observations about the World Trade Center demolitions might study and critique the WTC7 evaluation method and findings. Through contributing you provide your professional perspective before the draft published study findings become final.
I have previously engaged with individual NZ academics about this matter from engineering, international relations, psychology and journalism/media study faculties. Invariably those who I have engaged have either uttered no comment, or replicated the narrative promoted by the US Government or offered only nuanced dissent from that “official conspiracy narrative.”

World Trade Center building 7 demolition – what are implications of the study findings?
The secondary conclusion of WTC7 study is that;
the collapse of building was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building,” which;
<> means that an hitherto unknown agency was employed to demolish the buildings removing all the core columns. One can speculate about what that was. When one watches video of the WTC7 demolition captured at the moment of the free-fall collapse and compares that with a controlled demolition of other similar buildings one could reach no other conclusion than “the building's demise was as a result of planned demolition by whatever method.”
<> means that the perpetrators must have been given a pass by the WTC security services. Ordinarily controlled demolition projects take considerable planning and time to ensure cutting and or demolition charges are placed at appropriate points in a building's structure to attain a clean destruction. Note: it is generally the case that demolition contractors work on vacant buildings and or structures. The WTC 7 building and the remainder of the WTC complex were close to full occupancy.
<> means inside job. An inside job is generally a reference to a conspiracy by insider personnel to commit an act and present it as the result of some other agency or scapegoat. Where US authority personnel provide cover for and lie about the 9/11 crime, where explosives are a necessary component to create the observed event, then it is clear that US authority personnel were assisting the 9/11 project.
<> means the terrorist narrative is likely a lie.
<> means the global war on terror is a lie also.
<> means the whole world was hoaxed.
<> means stay hoaxed and live in a world narrative built on lies or do something to remove the terrible lie and its false narrative.

Global sustainability, climate action, and open government
The following is a comment I placed on a video of The Right Hon Helen Clark promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at an event sponsored by Auckland University Aug 28, 2019;
Thanks Helen and Auckland University for your leadership and work.
A large question is how can the people of the Earth take the talking-heads seriously when they do not stop their support for the largest problem that obstructs us in attaining peace and prosperity - militarism?
NZ is part of the US centred military empire, but wants to fix the planet and create peace and prosperity - how does NZ do both? One only needs to look at the global war on terror to apprehend the truth of who is the militaristic force.
Central to our concerns ought be how to provide for the growing population of the planet, thought to reach about 11 billion before plateauing toward the closing stages of the 21st Century.
Every activity that humans undertakes in an institutional manner involves industrial activity, which invariably mean increases of greenhouse gases and the pressures that civilisation places on wilderness (Amazon Fires presently).
The problem with militarism and war employed as an economic tool to attain goals by those who resort to war mongering is that it wastes valuable resources, people and energy.
Any efforts to rein in militarism appear to me to be token and evidently not working as particular Western nations act in a unified manner to attack chosen enemies when the US imperial power says so... Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Sudan, Yemen and demonise certain states... North Korea, Iran; as authoritarian whereas there are plenty of despots supported by Western imperial powers - thus hypocrisy is evident.
I placed the following evidence before the NZ Parliament Environment select committee in respect to their consideration of the "Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill" presenting oral evidence 26 August 2019:
The thesis being there's no fix whilst militarism precludes cooperation.
Helen Clark in the Public Talk opens with a reference to the Millennium Summit September 2000 - humanity's leaders attempting cooperation for common good:
However the more powerful (or disruptive) force for evil was also working. At the same time Sept 2000, the "Project For a New American Century" (PNAC) [Many PNAC signatories were given administrative roles in the George W Bush Presidential administration] published their prophetic report and plan, "Rebuilding America's Defenses" which I unpack in the following blog - part of my evidence to the NZ Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade select committee in respect to its TPP treaty examination:
All Western nations with few exceptions accepted in a public and apparently unquestioned manner the US narrative as to what occurred on 11 September 2001?
However the people of the world were sold a lie by the leadership which in turn is causal to the millions killed, injured, traumatised and displaced through the Global War on Terror (GWoT). GWoT has been causal for the huge increase in refugees which are now north of 60 million off a base of 30 million at the time of the Millennium Summit.
Dr. Leroy Hulsey's WTC7 evaluation study is due for report September 3 2019. It is a forensic engineering assessment into the cause of the demolition and collapse of WTC7 a 47 storey structure built on the Northern side of Vesey St opposite the main World Trade Centre complex, all of which were destroyed in the coordinated attack on US assets in New York and Washington DC, Tuesday 11 September 2001:
Extracted preliminary findings;
The findings thus far are that fire did not bring down this building. Building failure simulations show that, to match observation, the entire inner core of this building failed nearly simultaneously.
No plane or any other substantial force was revealed to have struck the WTC 7 building during the attack according to official reports. Notwithstanding that the demolition of the building where all core columns collapse simultaneously can only occur where agency is brought to bear. What was the agency how was it applied, and how did the agents who administered the demolition agents access WTC 7 to apply their agency?
The question of who secured the WTC site to ensure it was protected might be the inquiry of a reasonable person.
It turns out that one of the corporations associated was called Securacom and that then President George W Bush's younger brother Marvin was a principle.
This information was not made public in the 9/11 Commission report.
How would it change the world, if the 9/11 Commission Report narrative is proven to be officially false?
Would the fact of the public exposure of the real 9/11 perpetrators set back the war mongers' agenda and encourage or facilitate peace? I attempt to answer that herein: 

What we know and what we don't know – next steps on the road to truth and sanity
It is fair to say that I am a non expert, I am not trained in the academy, I do not suffer from the need to protect my professional reputation. I am free to offer my opinion, however, informed and factual and I have done so in respect to the 9/11 crime. As these are related I advocate for the need for open government, and the need to protect whistleblowers and those who facilitate whistleblowers brave souls who inform the public of corruption in our institutions.
This is why I refer to myself as a public advocate.
You might disagree with certain asserted statements or representations of the 9/11 crime made within this paper. I know that I have shifted my view of the mechanics and scope of the event especially since 2006 when I commenced serious investigation. I have also considered the motivations of the crime perpetrators.
Who said “go 9/11” and put that into effect needs to be discovered, however, the fact that we do not know every fact about the perpetrators, the demolition agency, or who in the US and other governments did what to assist or obstruct the 9/11 crime, is no reason to dispose of the fact that the official 9/11 narrative by US Authorities is bogus.
That being the case the world deserves a truthful explanation. Those killed, maimed and displaced as a result of 9/11 and the bogus war on terror deserve justice. The world needs the 9/11 lie to be officially disposed of and institutional mechanisms enshrined to ensure that never again are we the people hoaxed into killing in other people's wars.

Recommendations to New Zealand University faculties and academics

1. Consider your values – do you and your institution work toward a sustainable future for NZ and global inhabitants?
A. Do your institution and your personal actions match your stated object of securing a sustainable future?
B. Is it possible to support militarism and be true to your stated values of working toward a sustainable future.

2. Consider passing the following resolution and forwarding it to the NZ Government recommending it acts to end support for militarism and oppose all forms of aggression;
We (name of institution) express our concern at the discovery that the 9/11 crime was assisted and covered up by US authorities.
We further find that the 9/11 crime, despite being assisted from within the US administration, was used as pretext for the declaration for the global war on terror by the United States.
We find that the aggression launched against the nation states of Afghanistan 2001 and Iraq 2003, using 9/11 as pretext was both morally and lawfully wrong.
We request that the NZ Government undertakes a public and transparent inquiry into all intelligence and correspondence received in respect to the 9/11 crime and the terrorism wars including against Afghanistan and Iraq and make that public, including that the inquiry investigates;
  • to the extent possible all aspects of the 9/11 crime.
  • the reasons for the war launched against Afghanistan.
  • the reasons for the war launched against Iraq.
  • NZ ally's (US, UK, France, Israel, Australia, Canada, and willing coalition partners) aggression against Libya, Syria, Yemen, Nth Korea, Venezuela and Russia and makes those findings public.
That the NZ Government take steps to disassociate the NZ nation state from military and intelligence sharing alliances with nations that do not share our values aimed at “achieving peaceful cooperation between all of the planet's nations in order to secure an abundant future for all nations and their inhabitants.”



Media release sent to a large list of NZ news media organisations about 10:30am Thursday 12 September 2019.

Media Release – on 9/11 2019 anniversary - will you promote truth or lies?
For immediate use

Greg Rzesniowiecki, public advocate: My issues of concern; truth, open government, 9/11, climate, militarism, alliances with those who do not share NZ values.

Open letter to NZ academics on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 crime
Much has been said of 9/11, by US Authorities, NZ's Government and the mainstream media both in NZ and abroad.
9/11 has been employed as pretext to launch the global war on terror.
Most of the world and 99% of legacy news media reported faithfully the US Government narrative that the whole story and sole perpetrators of the 9/11 crime were 19 mostly Saudi Arabian hijackers who commandeered 4 planes and flew two of them (AA 11, UAL 175) into the World Trade Center (WTC) towers, one (AA 77) into the west wing of the Pentagon and the remaining flight (UAL 93) into a field in Pennsylvania.
Most of that narrative is false. It is false in respect to many of the stated facts, more importantly it is a lie by omission, as the official conspiracy theory doesn't account for the WTC destruction and many further anomalies.
Citizens and professionals who act with integrity are uncovering and disclosing the facts of the 9/11 crime.
US Authorities undertook no serious forensic examination of the overall crime, nor was the World Trade Center destruction true cause faithfully investigated. Citizens and vigilant professionals are investigating and providing their scientific findings.
Never in the history of modern civil engineering have massive steel framed buildings been destroyed by fire.
Nevertheless after most of the initial fires were extinguished and the force of the plane strike absorbed and accommodated by the twin towers the building's rendered to dust and chopped up steel in dramatic fashion 56 minutes (WTC2) and 1 hour 42 minutes (WTC1) later. WTC7 was part of the World Trade Center complex demolished in spectacular fashion at 5:20pm 11 September 2001 hours after the demolition of the remainder of the WTC complex, the Pentagon attack and the Flight 93 plane smash at Pennsylania.
An open minded observer might reasonably compare the WTC collapses with controlled demolition of other redundant structures.
How to unpack the truth of the 9/11 matter is a concern – does the NZ news media share the desire to report truth?
I have written and forwarded an open letter/essay to NZ academics on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 crime. It reports the timely news of the draft findings from Professor Leroy Hulsey and associates' Alaska Fairbanks University WTC7 evaluation study, published Tuesday 3 September 2019.
The WTC7 evaluation draft findings Summary of the study findings are twofold;
The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse.
The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
The self evident implication is that an hitherto unknown agency was employed to demolish the buildings removing all the core columns. One can speculate about what that was. When one watches video of the WTC7 demolition captured at the moment of the free-fall collapse and compares that with a controlled demolition of other similar buildings one could reach no other conclusion than “the building's demise was as a result of planned demolition by whatever method.”
Demolition charges used at WTC 7 undermine the US Government narrative in respect the 9/11 attack. That in turn creates doubt in respect to the pretext for the war on terror, its merit and its justification under rule of law.
I urge academics, journalists and professionals who care for truth and integrity, to take the time to consider the contents of the paper and act to ensure the world is move toward a just and sustainable tomorrow.
The paper asks how NZ can support militarism and seek cooperation for climate action as these appear to be opposed or contrary objectives.
Attached: NZ Academy - 9/11, Militarism, Climate - will you promote truth or lies?
Paper to NZ academics also available as a blog:



  1. Seriously, get challenged on actual data over the COVID 19 disease, and you go off into an echo chamber.

    I thought better of you than that, Greg.

    1. Hi ask me anything; how is the Covid thingee going for you?

      How many boosters and how many times have you and your associates and fellow mRNA enthusiasts? A couple of times had Covid and tested positive? Are you still wearing a mask?

      What a grift is the Covid boondoggle mate, what do reckon?
