This historic moment requires that we assert our Rights yet again.
8 Right not to be deprived of life
No one shall be deprived of life except on such grounds as are established by law and are consistent with the principles of fundamental justice.
9 Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment
Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.
10 Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation
Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person's consent.
11 Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment
Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.
The following is the text of an email I circulated upon advice that the Petitions Clerk at the NZ Parliament had agreed to the form and published the following petition in my name.
I've only edited for clarity or any errors or typos - so stream of consciousness as it happened late in the evening 23 November 2021. Images are a late addition.
----- email begins -----
Dear friend, associate and fellow human being,
Maybe a key or a way around the jab mandate
This petition is an attempt to provide a legal solution to the problem of vaccination mandates, coercion and dogmatic proselytism for Covid-19 mRNA injectables as the only possible solution to the potential of contracting Covid-19 symptoms and becoming infectious.
In getting rid of mandates we take steps to assert our sovereign nature and human dignity.
Unfortunately it relies on MPs to reverse their carnage, however, the petition might provide a litmus test as to the mood of the nation in respect to these jackbooted approaches to public safety and medical apartheid orders. (Petition closes 5th December)
In recent cases where the applicants sought relief from the Vax Mandate Orders Justice Mathew Palmer in the High Court ruled that, while concerns of bullying, harassment, and vilification of the unvaccinated and their family members may have foundation, vaccine mandates do not breach the NZ Bill of Rights Act. This ruling, which went against the plaintiffs, discussed section 5 of the Act, which says: “the rights and freedoms expressed in this Bill of Rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society”.
Bill of Rights 1990
However Justice Palmer made law rather than interpreted the law in his judgement;
The original COVID-19 Public Health Response Act 2020 (link below) never provided a direct power to mandate vaccination and made specific reference to not derogate from the Bill of Rights 1990.
The NZ Government and Health Ministry have gone nuts promoting Covid-19 vaccinations as the only solution and cure of the Covid-19 phenomena.
The NZ Government under the spell of the Global Health Syndicate denied the efficacy or safety of early treatment protocols for assisting Covid patients recover from their discomfort. Generally where early treatment was allowed by authorities Covid was contained and people were cured.
The NZ Government kept New Zealand waiting in petrified fear of a viral scourge not much more fatal than a bad cold or flu season and where early treatment had been employed in care and hospital settings there would be no need for inducing panic as there would be none.
All gaslit by the MSM media who are keeping the 'lying narrative corpse' alive by replicating and dispersing its ever shifting mantra, from "two weeks to flatten the curve" to "safe and effective" to "vaccination is the key to freedom" to "get your booster" and "get your passport" "You need your 7th booster to keep up to date madam" to "papers please" to full tilt #Covid1984
Waiting for what? Ticket to enslavement?
The NZ Government and global governments in league with or under the spell of the Global Health Syndicate knew there were 'vaccines coming' all the while denying early treatment.
Global health institutions are corrupt purveyors of toxic mRNA gene therapy sorcerer's brew - the mRNA and S-spike will become endemic in the NZ Blood supply under conservatorship of the NZ Red Cross. How can that be a good idea?
Wasn't it the Labour and Green Party policies to apply the "precautionary principle" to new organisms and potential toxic substances? Yet these same red and green personalities throw caution to the wind in the race to embrace GMO technology - what exactly is in the vaccines that "Ardern has to Vaccinate every woman, child and man?"
Governments that didn't withhold drugs ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and more treatment approaches found they could clear patients minimising hospitalisation and where used prophylactically many do not suffer symptoms - most infact.
India and Central and Sub Saharan Africa are real life examples of the efficacy of ivermectin. Why withhold early treatments dear caring Government?
Early treatment guidelines:
The NZ Government is destroying the nation and its social fabric with its Covid Mendaciousness. In NZ and globally they are using fear to promote an experimental injectable into the whole human race using all forms of persuasion and the blackmail of losing one's employment under pain of the assault of the forced injection.
Austria is mandating a Covid Vaccination for every one legally able to get one, so likely mandating children. What is in the jab, it's certainly not because it cures Covid - it doesn't. Those getting ill with Covid these days are those vaccinated.
Everyone; those who accepted vaccination under coercion or earlier ideals later found to be lacking integrity or scientific reason, and those who haven't, those who hate seeing the nation divided, those who distrust think big projects, those who distrust the big corporate world, those who distrust big government and their propaganda arm big MSM and are awake to prior Big Lies can see this Covid Big Lie and wish to pull its teeth.
Many can see the vaccination linked to the Health security vaccination passport as the ticket to enslavement - recall "two weeks to flatten the curve?"
It was a Doctor much attuned to natural living who provided the idea "Repeal Section 5 Justified Limitations" of the Bill of Rights 1990
I proceeded to create a Parliamentary Petition to repeal Section 5, however a sober politician pointed out that some limits on freedom are necessary, and to use their words;
The other issue would be that if there were no justified limitations on freedoms you’d get some absurd and dangerous results: for example, “freedom of movement” would mean that we couldn’t jail murderers, “freedom of expression” would mean that there could be no offence of possessing child pornography etc. Sorry to be so stark but you get the point: these are often nuanced balancing acts of competing rights and responsibilities in society.
We’re not wanting to accept the petition in case doing so would muddy those waters...
Which led me to shift tack and not be so ambitious, only ambitious enough to protect the Rights and Freedoms under the heading "Life and security of the person" making Sections 8,9,10 and 11 sacrosanct.
8 Right not to be deprived of life
No one shall be deprived of life except on such grounds as are established by law and are consistent with the principles of fundamental justice.
9 Right not to be subjected to torture or cruel treatment
Everyone has the right not to be subjected to torture or to cruel, degrading, or disproportionately severe treatment or punishment.
10 Right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation
Every person has the right not to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without that person's consent.
11 Right to refuse to undergo medical treatment
Everyone has the right to refuse to undergo any medical treatment.
The amendment to the Bill of Rights proposed would deny justification of any forced medication of anyone or group of people as there is no just reason to take a person's life or torture them or to medicate or experiment on them against their will. Not even Covid-19. The influenza jab isn't mandated.
There's no moral reason for forcing people to accept medical interventions they implacably oppose.
In progressing this initiaitive everyone benefits as the proposal stops a present or future government mandating medical interventions - these would be specifically denied in law.
Everyone who loves friendly and accepting New Zealand of 2019 and wishes a return to enlightened values might see the wisdom of this approach.
Here we absolutely encode as many of our Rights and Freedoms as are necessary to end the mandates.
Rights 8,9,10, and 11, are sacred and not to be abrogated by legal instrument.
The text of the proposed amendment to the Bill of Rights 1990 is as follows and as replicated in the petition;
That the House of Representatives amend Section 5 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 by inserting “and subject to section 5A”, and insert a new section 5A: “Unjustified limitations” to say “None of sections 4, 5, 6 provide any justified limits on rights and freedoms contained in sections 8,9,10 and 11”.
The new Section 5 and 5A would read (amendments in red)
Section 5 Justified limitations
· Subject to section 4, and section 5A, the rights and freedoms contained in this Bill of Rights may be subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.
Section 5A Unjustified limitations
None of Sections 4, 5, 6 provide any justified limits on rights and freedoms contained in sections 8,9,10 and 11.
Petition closes for signatures 5th December 2021
We need a sponsoring MP to get it considered.
I've been approaching MPs to request they sponsor it.
Ask yours and get back to me or put them in touch if they are willing to sponsor our ticket out of this trap.
Please share far and wide
I've got two weeks left of a facebook ban and an indefinite suspension from twitter since at least a week ago, so you gotta be the ones that make this fly if it is to succeed in opening the lock, the key might be rusty and need lots of elbow grease to make it open the rusty lock of parliament indifference to the people they are supposed to serve.
A key to freedom, how hard do we twist the key in the rusty lock?
Peace to all
Greg Rzesniowiecki
Petition closes for signatures 5th December 2021
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely..." - Lord Acton
Democracy is a power struggle between paid for interests and civil society
Democracy is a participatory sport - the people's team needs informed actors
Informed opinions are sound conclusions based in truthful premises argued with structural validity
Informed consent provides for the right to say no otherwise it is coercion and a fundamental breach of human rights
Helsinki Protocol on medical experimentation stands on informed consent
NZ Medical Council Statement on informed consent Sept 2019
Would you breach informed consent - would you hold a person down and jab them - or let the government do that?
Complicity "the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men (women, and all the genders) to do nothing" Edmund Burke
Knowledge is preferable to belief
Greg's evidence to Health Select Committee in respect to the Covid-19 Amendment Bill just passed by majority;
Petition to amend Sec 5 of the Bill of Rights
Absolutely!... this is not about health, or a virus or even 'vaccines'. Those are merely subplots within the global elite's playbook. The overarching agenda is the installation of a one world Govt where China has been the working model for a new One World Govt based on a social credit points system with mass surveillance technology deployment for enforcement purposes. What we are seeing now is the big roll-out of the China blueprint to the rest of the world. The lions in our society see this a mile of... the sheep don't have a single clue as to their entrapment.
ReplyDeleteThank you Greg I am 110% backing your Petition. It is well written and you have supplied I believe all necessary links for one to make an informed decision. I well happily spread far and as wide as I can.
ReplyDeleteThanks again Shane & Jody
Peace out
Fascinating perspective Greg Rzesniowiecki. Nonetheless, civilised societies are grounded on a social contract that drivers are licensed to operate motor vehicles, among other privileges afforded to participate in the benefits of public infrastructure.
ReplyDeleteOn that basis, human health forms an integral part of a basic human right to the best health care available, including vaccinations, a core social capital benefit in any civilised society.
Genetic technology now demonstrates there is no natural pathway for the human body to produce immunity to SARS-CoV-2 or its variants of interest, creating an extreme viral load. An outcome in all probability, due to crossing the species barrier, after disrupting wild animal habitat, due to the Anthropocene.
I agree there needs to be a right to choose, to participate, in any national vaccination program. However, participation needs to be based on the common good, and not personal proclivities. A principle in common law that is well established in advanced social democracy.
As such, I believe the same principles expected in any social or legal contract requiring citizens to qualify to use national transport infrastructure be, similarly applied to any vaccination program.
An outcome where, an anti-vaccination choice, disqualifies those choosing not to immunise, from any of the social capital benefits provided by government-managed sovereign wealth investment infrastructure.
Raising the question is this disqualification punitive, logically given the right to choose, it cannot be?
With one caveat, any healthcare needs to be provided at a local communities discretion, while not at risk to others and based on humanitarian grounds.
Having outlined, my opinion, framed on deferring to qualified specialists in relatively rapidly developing medical technology.
It would be good to read your strategic foresight plan for any social democracy on how to recognise, subsequently, deal with the scale of the current SARS CoV-2 pandemic or a future one, on a national scale;
can you offer an alternative for any community?
Paul read this all the way through and leave your synapses sufficient space to form appropriate and proper conclusions as a result:
Further in respect to your comment;
Delete"Genetic technology now demonstrates there is no natural pathway for the human body to produce immunity to SARS-CoV-2 or its variants of interest, creating an extreme viral load. An outcome in all probability, due to crossing the species barrier, after disrupting wild animal habitat, due to the Anthropocene."
Two things;
1. Most folk on the Diamond Princess did not succumb to Covid-19 infection indicating pre-existing immunity which scientists suggest arises from prior infection with common cold coronaviruses:
2. The SARS-CoV-2 virus entity is the result of the US and global biological weapons industry - surely you've caught up by now with the FACT that Fauci's NIAID funded Peter Daszak's Eco Health Alliance to do bat coronavirus gain of function research which was contracted to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.. the nearest likely natural bat reservoir of SARS-CoV viruses was thousands of kilometres from Wuhan..
At times like these use the KISS principle - keep it simple STUPID.